Galina Ulanova as Juliet in Prokfiev's 'Romeo and Juliet,' Lomonosov State Porcelain Factory, Leningrad, 1960 - 1980.

Yanson - Manizer, Elena Alexandrovna
1890 - 1971
Galina Ulanova as Juliet in Prokfiev's 'Romeo and Juliet,' Lomonosov State Porcelain Factory, Leningrad, 1960 - 1980.
29cm high
Signed 'Skulptor E. Ianson-Manizer' and monogram SK(Cyrillic).
Elena Yanson-Manizer or Janson-Maniser was the 20th century's leading sculptor of the Soviet ballet. Her beautiful statues of sportsman and ballet dancers can be seen today in the public gardens of Moscow and St Petersburg and in the stations of the Moscow Metro.
Yanson-Manizer was the wife of the sculptor Matvei Manizer and they worked together in different parts of the same Moscow Studio. Her husband, also one of the Soviet Period's most important sculptors, had to follow the party-line more than his wife in his choice of subject matter and did many public commissions. Yansen-Manizer loved the ballet and sculpted most of the leading dancers of the mid 20th century.
Yanson-Manizer in her studio with her son Otto and her husband, the famous sculptor Matvej Manizer. They are admiring the magnificent overlife size sculpture of the ballerina Galina Ulanova.
Being a fervent admirer and subtle connoisseur of ballet Yansen-Manizer suceeded in portraying the individuality of each dancer as well as their elegance and athleticism.